cubic metre

英 [ˈkjuːbɪk ˈmiːtə(r)] 美 [ˈkjuːbɪk ˈmiːtər]



  1. Only 1 per cent of Chinese urban residents live in cities with concentrations of such particulate matter below 40 microgrammes per cubic metre of air.
  2. To calculate levels of air pollution, the biggest killer, the report uses the globally recognised measure which looks at the concentration of particulates measuring less than or equal to 10 microns per cubic metre of air.
  3. According to the new warning system introduced in October, the government should issue a red alert when the volume of fine pollutants in the air is forecast to exceed 300 micrograms per cubic metre for three consecutive days.
  4. There may be100 fish per cubic metre.
  5. Demand for neoclassical redwood furniture has raised prices for some forms of timber to tens of thousands of dollars per cubic metre and sparked deadly clashes between tree poachers and rangers in Mekong region forests.
  6. For this simulated building, the ratio of surface to volume is set to one square metre per cubic metre.
  7. But in the most polluted cities in Asia, Latin America and Africa they could exceed 100 or even 200 micrograms per cubic metre.
  8. The WHO's projection for fewer deaths is based mainly on reducing PM10, caused by burning fossil and other fuels, from a reference point of70 micrograms per cubic metre down to20.
  9. Water has already been released at a rate of 10,000 cubic metres a second since last Friday, causing the level of the reservoir to fall by one metre every two days, say dam operators.
  10. Gates appeared in Water Cubic Metre to watch first when hold natant game.
  11. Payment for the supply of ballast will be made on the basis of the unit rate per cubic metre for ballast.
  12. Marine Pipeline Route Deployment and Calculation of Cubic Metre of Stonework in Reef Region
  13. Ltd. Based on the test results the corelation between dust load of gas at the exit of Venturi scrubber and water consumption per cubic metre gas'and pressure drop was analysed and the optimal operation parameters for Venturi scrubber were determinated.



  1. a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 1000 liters

      Synonym:    kiloliterkilolitrecubic meter